
281 Park Avenue South, New York, NY

GMS provided structural engineering to redevelop this historic building, formerly known as the Church Mission House. An extensive probe program was coordinated with the Client’s Contractor to investigate the existing conditions and the framing connections to convert the office floors to retail/gallery use. The six-story, 45,000 sf building was originally built approximately 1900 and is landmarked. GMS also served as the structural engineer and Special Inspector for tenant fit-out for the Swedish organization, Fotografiska International, a photography museum with a café, bookstore, restaurant, and event space. The project was completed in 2019.

Owner: RFR Realty

Architect: Cetra Ruddy

2023 SARA National Design Awards – Design Award of Honor
2023 Urban Land Institute Excellence in Institutional Development
2022 AIA Long Island Archi Award for Historic Restoration / Adaptive Reuse
2022 Honor Winner of the Architecture & Interior Awards, Cultural Building category
2020 Lucy G. Moses Preservation Award from the New York Landmarks Conservancy
2020 SARA New York Design Award of Excellence