“My Kingdom for a CAN,” a structure of cans of sardines, designed by engineers and architects at GMS, is on display at Brookfield Place at the 26th annual Canstruction competition. This structure’s 5,076 cans will feed 1,275 New Yorkers.
Canstruction is an international charity competition where teams of architects, engineers, contractors and the students they mentor, competed this year to design and build giant structures made entirely from cans of food. At the close of the competition all of the food from the New York City competition will be donated to City Harvest.
New York City is joined by over 100 cities across North America and other countries such as Australia and New Zealand who will hold Canstruction Competitions in the coming year. Highlighting the creativity and compassion of top architectural, engineering and construction firms, these astounding structures are helping to change the world – by lifting the spirits of those in need, by raising public awareness, and most importantly, by collecting millions of pounds of food for local food banks.
A Can! A Can!
My Kingdom for a CAN!When one Hungers, all the jewels of the kingdom matter less than a simple CAN of food.
“My Kingdom for a CAN” will be on display at 200 Vesey Street (Brookfield Place) until November 15, 2016.
The GMS team is proud of everyone who collaborated on this effort:
Eugene Kim, Georgios Mallios, Khaoula Msaaf, Sarah Bayless, Nicolas Gomez, Victor Daldegan, Adrianna Early, Kristen Yijie Lu, Valeria Prieto, William Hutch, and Aika Shishido. We would like to especially thank all the partners of Gilsanz Murray Steficek for their support during this year’s Canstruction competition.
City Harvest pioneered food rescue in 1982 and, this year, will collect 55 million pounds of excess food to help feed the nearly 1.4 million New Yorkers struggling to put meals on their tables. Through relationships with farms, restaurants, grocers, and manufacturers, City Harvest collects nutritious food that would otherwise go to waste and delivers it free of charge to 500 soup kitchens, food pantries and other community food programs across the five boroughs. City Harvest takes a long-term approach to hunger relief through its Healthy Neighborhoods initiative. In communities with elevated rates of food insecurity, poverty and diet-related illnesses, City Harvest has developed programs and partnerships to increase the availability of affordable, fresh produce and inspire healthy, budget-conscious meal choices through nutrition education. To learn more about food rescue, hunger relief and Healthy Neighborhoods in New York City, visit cityharvest.org.